44 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Diversity Optimisation for The Traveling Thief Problem

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    There has been a growing interest in the evolutionary computation community to compute a diverse set of high-quality solutions for a given optimisation problem. This can provide the practitioners with invaluable information about the solution space and robustness against imperfect modelling and minor problems' changes. It also enables the decision-makers to involve their interests and choose between various solutions. In this study, we investigate for the first time a prominent multi-component optimisation problem, namely the Traveling Thief Problem (TTP), in the context of evolutionary diversity optimisation. We introduce a bi-level evolutionary algorithm to maximise the structural diversity of the set of solutions. Moreover, we examine the inter-dependency among the components of the problem in terms of structural diversity and empirically determine the best method to obtain diversity. We also conduct a comprehensive experimental investigation to examine the introduced algorithm and compare the results to another recently introduced framework based on the use of Quality Diversity (QD). Our experimental results show a significant improvement of the QD approach in terms of structural diversity for most TTP benchmark instances.Comment: To appear at GECCO 202

    On the Impact of Operators and Populations within Evolutionary Algorithms for the Dynamic Weighted Traveling Salesperson Problem

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    Evolutionary algorithms have been shown to obtain good solutions for complex optimization problems in static and dynamic environments. It is important to understand the behaviour of evolutionary algorithms for complex optimization problems that also involve dynamic and/or stochastic components in a systematic way in order to further increase their applicability to real-world problems. We investigate the node weighted traveling salesperson problem (W-TSP), which provides an abstraction of a wide range of weighted TSP problems, in dynamic settings. In the dynamic setting of the problem, items that have to be collected as part of a TSP tour change over time. We first present a dynamic setup for the dynamic W-TSP parameterized by different types of changes that are applied to the set of items to be collected when traversing the tour. Our first experimental investigations study the impact of such changes on resulting optimized tours in order to provide structural insights of optimization solutions. Afterwards, we investigate simple mutation-based evolutionary algorithms and study the impact of the mutation operators and the use of populations with dealing with the dynamic changes to the node weights of the problem

    Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization for the Dynamic Knapsack Problem

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    Evolutionary algorithms are bio-inspired algorithms that can easily adapt to changing environments. In this paper, we study single- and multi-objective baseline evolutionary algorithms for the classical knapsack problem where the capacity of the knapsack varies over time. We establish different benchmark scenarios where the capacity changes every Ï„\tau iterations according to a uniform or normal distribution. Our experimental investigations analyze the behavior of our algorithms in terms of the magnitude of changes determined by parameters of the chosen distribution, the frequency determined by Ï„\tau, and the class of knapsack instance under consideration. Our results show that the multi-objective approaches using a population that caters for dynamic changes have a clear advantage in many benchmarks scenarios when the frequency of changes is not too high. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the distribution handling techniques in advance algorithms such as NSGA-II and SPEA2 do not necessarily result in better performance and even prevent these algorithms from finding good quality solutions in comparison with simple multi-objective approaches